Monster Info


Mistress Lv 55
Insect / Wind / Small
Zone: EndlessTower

The queen of bees, who is also the only female bee that can lay eggs. As the mother of all bees, it's always trying hard to maintain the group's prosperity. It will not tolerate the behavior of harming the members of them. Please pay attention to this, adventurers!

Mistress Lv 55
Insect / Wind / Small
Zone: Field
Mjolnir Mountains - Map List
2392031 HP
15080 Base
10419 Job

The queen of bees, who is also the only female bee that can lay eggs. As the mother of all bees, it will not tolerate the behavior of harming the members of them. Please pay attention to this, adventurers!

MVP Battle

Mistress Lv 55
Insect / Wind / Small
Zone: MVPBattle
40052611 HP
0 Base
0 Job

The queen of bees, who is also the only female bee that can lay eggs. As the mother of all bees, it will not tolerate the behavior of harming the members of them. Please pay attention to this, adventurers!