Monster Info


Orc Skeleton Lv 78
Undead / Undead / Medium
Zone: Field
Orc Dungeon - Map List
68538 HP
530 Base
326 Job

Before his death, he was a brave and powerful senior Orc warrior. After the resurrection, he is so fierce with his undead status. He gives the most severe blow to all uninvited guests who invaded the Orc territory! He has just one belief in life - for the Horde!

MVP Battle

Orc Skeleton Lv 78
Undead / Undead / Medium
Zone: MVPBattle
68538 HP
0 Base
0 Job

Before his death, he was a brave and powerful senior Orc warrior. After the resurrection, he is so fierce with his undead status. He gives the most severe blow to all uninvited guests who invaded the Orc territory! He has just one belief in life - for the Horde!