Costume Collection


Costume Collection [Gift Box]
Open to get all the Costume and their corresponding headwears released so far

Gift Box

Costume Collection [Gift Box]
Costume·Christmas Prince
Costume·Elite Adventurer·Starfish Yellow
Costume·Elite Adventurer·Christmas Red
Costume·Wishing Wear·Demon Purple
Costume·Wishing Wear·Water Blue
Costume·Wishing Wear·Starfish Yellow
Costume·Wishing Wear·Christmas Red
Costume·Wishing Wear·Demon Purple
Costume·Wishing Wear·Water Blue
Costume·Elite Adventurer·Water Blue
Costume·Elite Adventurer·Demon Purple
Costume·Elite Adventurer·Christmas Red
Costume·Reindeer's Blessing
Elite Adventurer Headwear·Demon Purple
Elite Adventurer Headwear·Water Blue
Elite Adventurer Headwear·Starfish Yellow
Elite Adventurer Headwear·Christmas Red
Costume·Elite Adventurer·Demon Purple
Costume·Elite Adventurer·Water Blue
Costume·Elite Adventurer·Starfish Yellow
Costume·Wishing Wear·Starfish Yellow
Costume·Wishing Wear·Christmas Red
Lazy Corgi·Sharp Black
Moonlight Mischief Rabbit Hat·Jelly Purple
Moonlight Mischief Rabbit Hat·Muka Brown
Moonlight Mischief Rabbit Hat·Ice Blue
Moonlight Mischief Rabbit Hat·Strawberry Red
Moonlight Mage·Demon Purple
Moonlight Mage·Abyssal Brown
Moonlight Mage·Nightmare Blue
Lazy Corgi·Starfish Yellow
Lazy Corgi·Stone Green
Lazy Corgi·Sugar Brown
Moonlight Sweetheart·Jelly Purple
Moonlight Sweetheart·Muka Brown
Moonlight Sweetheart·Ice Blue
Moonlight Sweetheart·Strawberry Red
Moonlight Gentleman·Demon Purple
Moonlight Gentleman·Abyssal Brown
Moonlight Gentleman·Nightmare Blue
Moonlight Gentleman·Dark Red
Moonlight Mage·Dark Red